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New Year resolution or revolution?

Newbury Road Club

“I must get out on my bike more but …”

Don’t worry you’re not alone. If you enjoy cycling but struggle to find the motivation, time or energy to get in the saddle, especially in the winter, maybe it’s time to consider joining your local cycling club.

Yes, riding alone has its perks. You control the route, the distance and the pace … but that’s only if you talked yourself into going at all. When the skies are grey it can be easier to simply stay in bed! Committing to riding with a group (who may all be thinking the same) will banish these doubts and can do wonders for your motivation. And once you are out on the road, chatting to fellow riders, those doubts about going out will be a distant memory.

Motivation is just one benefit of Club riding. At a larger club like Newbury Road Club, you are guaranteed to meet like-minded cyclists. And, with a wide ride range of speeds and distances to choose from, you are sure to improve your stamina and overall fitness. We welcome all bike types, even that new e-bike you got for Christmas!

You will explore new routes (and cafes), improve your riding skills, and find friendship and good bike-banter. Membership is just £25 for the year, and you are welcome to try us out for a couple of rides before you commit.

If you are looking for a new challenge for 2023 or simply want to get out on your bike more, take a look at Newbury Road Club – it may be the best ‘revolution’ you make this year.

Try us out for free here



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