Achievement and success were recognised and celebrated in the annual Newbury Road Club Awards ceremony at Falkland Cricket Pavilion on Wednesday 5th February. That could possibly be the 99th running this event!
The 2024 awards were presented Club Chair, Lorraine Murrell, who said, “It’s been another spectacular year on the time trial circuit, and it was good to see so many of our ladies picking up silverware. Well done to all our 2024 winners and we look forward to another year of stellar performance in our 100th anniversary year”.
And the TT winners were..

Andy Laycock retained the men’s 10- and 25-mile TTs. Andy dominated the men’s Club scene, retaining the men’s 10- and 25-mile time trials, with Ken Brown in second place.

Abi Dean - Awarded 'Best Racing Newcomer', not least for picking up three TT trophies in her first year with the Club.

Dan McRobert won men’s non-aero trophy. Dan showed great form in winning the men’s non-aero trophy. Dan also won both the season-long Tate handicap and the 25-mile Smith Handicap.

Ellie Gobey won the female SPOCO trophy over our sporting course. A great effort as she had withdrawn from competitive cycling earlier in the year!

Peter Brooke-Wavell – Club Hill Climb. In a break with recent tradition, we held the Club Hill Climb on a Tuesday evening. This year we used the long course - 4.4 miles from Kintbury to the mast at the top of Walbury Hill. From NRC, the men’s event was won by Peter Brooke-Wavell with Abi Dean winning the female race. Jack Calvert deserves an honourable mention for second place overall.
And our discretionary superstar award winners are:

Phil George - Awarded the 'Club Run Shield' for the most club runs in 2024 ..... in shorts, all weather!

Team Friend / Edwards (Cassie, Andy and Frank) - Awarded 'Ride of the Year' for their epic, unsupported conquest of the King Alfred's Way this summer.

Fran Williams - Awarded the 'Women's Award' for being a champion in the Women's Rides community and for taking on ride leadership in other events across the Club and beyond.

Jack Calvert - Awarded the 'Len Buttrey Junior Trophy' for his performance in the 2024 NRC Hill Climb.

Dave Martin - Awarded the 'Merit Shield' for outstanding service to the Club, including adoption and management of our Spond rides app, organisation and leadership of Club runs and so much more ...
It was a great evening. Our thanks go to our hosts at the Bowler’s Arms, to all those responsible for staging the Awards and of course those who help during the year to host the many time trials. We are also grateful to Gareth Davies for taking such excellent photos, both at out TT event and on the Awards’ night.