The NRC Autumn away-weekend headed west this year to the pretty Herefordshire market town of Ross-on-Wye. In total 23 riders braved an unpromising weather forecast for what turned out to be a super weekend of September sunshine … and hills.

Ross, with its local landscape of wooded valleys, quiet lanes and the meandering Wye never far away, is reminiscent of the Dordogne but on a micro scale – a possible warm-up for the planned 2024 NRC trip to that region. Although much of the local hop-growing has been replaced by fruit grown in poly-tunnels, we spotted apples a’plenty, with orchards groaning under the weight of their Autumn crop – Sunday’s riders passed the local Weston’s Cider HQ at least twice!
Everyone agreed that there were very few flat stretches so lots of opportunity to practice climbing skills!
Although we were based at the Premier Inn on both evenings, a breakaway group discovered the lofty Ross Royal Hotel to sample the Wye Valley Butty Bach Bitter and its amazing terrace views across to Wales.

Chapeau to the six riders who rode out from Newbury (via the Severn Bridge) on Saturday and back on Sunday conquering Cleeve Hill in the Cotswolds, clocking well over 200 miles in the process. And not forgetting Alex who cycled out and back on Friday and Monday.

A big well done to the 17 who tackled a very lumpy ride south on Saturday around Symonds Yat, and to those who joined John’s heritage tour of a mis-spent youth around Ledbury and South Herefordshire on Sunday.

As always, the weekend proved huge fun with plenty of laughs, a well-earned excess of food and drink and the added spice of home-nations success in the rugby on the big-screen in the bar.
Our special thanks go to Ride Event Lead David Lillystone for organisation with military precision, and to Ride Secretary Dave Martin for orchestrating the legs ‘out and back’. They both led rides over the weekend, as did John Murrell and we are grateful for their ride leadership.

Fancy joining us next time?
Newbury Road Club co-ordinates many away-days, away-weekends and even away-weeks, they are posted on our website and our ride app Spond. You can review the full list of the past 2023 special events here and a new programme will be posted early in 2024.
For longer trips in 2024 we are planning a return to Mallorca in May and as already mentioned, a trip to the Dordogne in September. Trips away include rides generally planned for mixed abilities with non-riding partners welcome to join us too.
We hope you can join us for a trip in 2024!