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Newbury Road Club

Stretching makes for supple cyclists

NRC workshops teach the benefits of post-ride stretching.

Down with the Dogs at the NRC Stretching Workshop

While we all enjoy cycling, one thing we are often poor at is giving our bodies the best chance of recovering from a ride. The repeated linear action of an activity like cycling can make us muscularly imbalanced, with a soreness and tension in our muscles i.e. stiffness. If left uncorrected, that can lead to weakness, pain and ultimately injury.

With that in mind, Club Member and Physio Linda Green ran two free stretching workshops for the Club members at the Bowlers Arm’s on Monday 14 March.

40 NRC Cyclists got to grips with Down Dogs, Cobras and Calf Stretches along with many other stretches in a specially tailored stretch programme for cyclists.

“It was great to see so many fellow members literally stretching themselves”, said Linda. “If we can manage to work these few stretches into our weekly post-ride routine, it will lead to healthier and happier bodies.”

Linda Green is an active member of NRC and runs a Physiotherapy clinic in Hermitage. Her experience includes being part of the British Olympic Medical team, working at Olympic, Commonwealth, World student games and being a Physiotherapist with the British rowing team. She recognises the importance of injury prevention exercises for all levels of sport, National and local.

The stretches and workshop notes can be found on our website here

We are lucky to have such expertise in the Club and grateful to Linda for running these workshops – and to her two ‘’models’, Wendy and Graham.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for more member activities and special events on our Club activity app Spond.


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