A Time Trial (TT) is an individual effort over a set distance or time – often call ‘The Race of Truth’. Traditionally TTs are held over standard distances of 10, 25 and 50 miles and on relatively flat courses. However, today there is a move to hold more events over technical or hilly circuits away from busy roads. The winner is the rider who records the fastest time, but most riders just ride to improve their own personal best times. Cyclists of all abilities can take part in time trialling as the aim is to ride a set course as fast as you can.
Time Trialling is a great way of getting into bike racing as it allows you to start with minimal equipment or fitness, and you can gauge your progress as your times improve. Whilst some riders invest in Time Trial specific bikes, all you need to compete is a basic road bike. As you improve you may want to change some of your equipment, but this isn’t necessary to enjoy the event.
To take part in a Cycling Time Trials (CTT) event, you should be a member of an affiliated club such as Newbury Road Club. However, it is possible to give Time Trialling a try and we offer newcomers a limited chance to ‘Come and Try It’ without needing to be a Club Member. We offer a full season of club events with hilly sporting courses, hill climbs, as well as more traditional 10 & 25 mile events, all held on local courses. We also run Club Championships and award several trophies at the end of the season. Many of these trophies are based on event handicaps or improvements and are often won by newcomers to the sport.
The easiest way to experience time trialling for the first time is to race in one of the Club's 10 mile events. All our Time Trial events are listed on our main Events Calendar or in more detail on the TT Registration Pages or you can download an at-a-glance calendar of all our future Time Trials here. We no longer take entries on the day, please use our TT Registration Pages for entry. These are low-key, fun events in which lots of Club members take part. Why not come along and give it a go?
To find out more get in touch with us here